View AOG BTG Pre-School Prospectus Now
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Our Aim is to highly motivate, creative and passionate about making a difference to young children's lives and encourage them to develop at their own pace. In any industry, experience is paranount to success! spend quality teaching time to each child.
We are providing academic, vocational or other instruction related to the improvement of human skills and knowledge.
See the classes / programes we offer
The world is a new and exciting place for your
little one. This year is all about learning through
positive play, developing fine motor skills, and
getting into the basics of literacy and numeracy.
Behavioural development takes precedence this
year as your little one learns basic courtesies, the
fun of sharing and helping others....
This year is all about stepping up the learning
initiative, including literacy, numeracy, early
science and agriculture, and information
technology. Fun and informative daily
projects and experiments grow your little one's
interest in learning. Keep track of their
progress this year and their learner journal.
It's the year to prepare for "big school"! We
prepare children for the transition into Grade 1.
Building on the earlier years' teachings we begin
making children aware of the greater world
that is coming. Lifeskills and social skills take on
higher importance as the children become more
accustomed to academic life....
Sign up for afternoon care and your child will
not only have an afternoon of additional play,
but also have fun in our ballet, ball sports and
gymnastics classes as run by Mrs. Nonsika
Sisky Lukhele of Sisky Studios. The remaining
hours of the afternoon, post extracurricular
class, are reserved for downtime and adventure.
Numbers speak for themselves, ever since our pre school have opened we enrolled lot of children and have recent graduates produced by AOG BTG Pre-School
Meet the team behind the great work provide by AOG BTG Pre-School
What parents have to say about AOG BTG Pre-School
Fantastic. My little boy adores his Teachers.
He’s been treated as part of their family while
he’s been with them since he was 9 months
old. Caring, reliable, and lovely pre-school.
Over the last 18 months at AOG BTG Pre-
school and would like to wish you all the
best for the future, you are an amazing pre-
school and will forever recommend you guys.
I would like to thanks for the continued
support, I am now a friend of one teacher,
the teachers are very nice and If you want
your child to have bright future try this AOG.