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Our Rates & Fees
Our fees are competitive with other local pre-schools, yet we are the ONLY pre-school in Matata that provide services even online and that has been graded OUTSTANDING by Users and reflect the number of hours and the quality we put into our pre-school.
Meals All snacks and drinks are provided free of charge and I ask parents to provide your child with a lunch time meal. If for any reason you forget to provide one, your child will be given a meal with a charge of E10 added to your next invoice. E10
Late Payment Fee If we have not received your child payment on the agreed date stated on your invoice by 6:00pm there will be a late charge per day added to your invoice, this includes weekends. If payment is not received within 3 days, including the late fees, your child will not be accepted into our setting until payment has been received. If 7 days pass without payment being made, the childcare will be terminated and the collection process will begin. It is your responsibility to pay on time, if you have to be contacted for payment you will be charged. E20
Late Collection Fee If you are late collecting your child you will be charged your hourly fee for the extra hour, by late collection I mean 15 minutes after your collection time, so if your child is booked in until 5:00 and you collect your child at 5:20 you will be charged for the extra hour. Variable
Sibling Discount If you have 2 or more children who each attend at least 30 hours a week we offer a 10% discount. For more information please contact us 10%

Admission Pricing 2024-2025

Daily Plan Package E40
Weekly Plan Package E200
Montly Plan Package E600

Additional Charges

After School Class No data found!
Going To Your House Class Not data found!